The collagen from Feel Iceland is pure high-quality collagen that is produced from Icelandic fish. To achieve the best quality in the production of the collagen, specially designed equipment is used and it has taken decades to optimize both the production process and the quality.
Studies have shown that collagen derived from fish is absorbed faster by the human body compared to collagen derived from other animal products. Collagen is most often made from pig or beef products, but by producing the collagen from Icelandic wild fish, no antibiotics or hormones can be found in the product.
In order to speed up the body's absorption, the Feel Iceland collagen is hydrolyzed and thus broken down into small molecules, which allows the body to make better use of it.
To confirm the quality of the product, samples from every single production batch are sent to a laboratory.
The Feel Iceland collagen is 100% pure collagen and is suitable for both Keto and Low-carb diets and contains neither preservatives nor other additives.