Influencer and kitchen goddess Linda Ben. takes very good care of her health and here she conjures up a smoothie that she says is a real miracle drink. Linda puts collagen in the drink from the Icelandic entrepreneurial company Feel Iceland, whose products have been very popular and are considered very high quality.
"Blueberries and strawberries are full of vitamins c and antioxidants, bananas are rich in good minerals, pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc which is good for the skin, flax seeds are rich in omega 3 which nourishes the skin from the inside, peanut butter provides good fats and oats are rich in vital vitamins. Last but not least, this smoothie contains collagen. Collagen is one of the body's main structural proteins and is found in all joints, joints, muscles, tendons and bones. Collagen is also a very large part of skin, hair and nails. By taking in collagen, the body is more likely to produce it, but the production of collagen decreases with age."