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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

By Feel Iceland

What is collagen? Collagen is the molecule that holds the tissues of the body together and is therefore often called the "glue" that holds the...

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Collagen can improve digestion

Collagen can improve digestion

By Feel Iceland

Collagen has a beneficial effect on the body in more ways than one. We know that the skin, hair, nails, muscles and joints can become...

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Collagen amino acids

Collagen amino acids

By Feel Iceland

PROTEIOS OR FIRST SEAT   What is Protein? Protein is derived from the Greek word proteios which means "main" or "first place", which perhaps says...

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Do you drink enough water?

Do you drink enough water?

By Feel Iceland

Water is a vital drink that we should learn to drink well. What does water do for the body? Water regulates temperature and maintains physical...

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Do you have a slow burn?

Do you have a slow burn?

By Feel Iceland

There is no doubt that collagen is the most popular dietary supplement today and also very talked about. Perhaps not without reason, because collagen is...

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Why Feel Iceland collagen?

Why Feel Iceland collagen?

By Feel Iceland

The collagen from Feel Iceland is pure high-quality collagen that is produced from Icelandic fish. To achieve the best quality in the production of the...

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