Collagen can improve digestion

Collagen can improve digestion

Posted by Feel Iceland on

Collagen has a beneficial effect on the body in more ways than one. We know that the skin, hair, nails, muscles and joints can become healthier with collagen intake.

That's because collagen is one of the body's main structural proteins found in all connective tissues and supports body repair. The body produces its own collagen, but as we age, production slowly decreases. In order to slow down this production reduction, it is ideal to add collagen powder or capsules to the daily routine. Collagen can also contribute to the healthy intestinal flora of the digestive system, but the intestinal membrane is mostly made up of collagen amino acids. Collagen therefore strengthens the intestinal lining which increases healthy gut flora and overall health as well.

But what is gut health? The debate about gut health and its impact on overall health has arisen quite recently and has gained increasing popularity in recent years. Many diseases can be attributed to poor gut health, but the intestinal lining is where vitamins and minerals are absorbed into the body. Gut health affects the immune system and even mental health as well. Stress and a bad lifestyle increase the likelihood of a weak and sensitive intestinal membrane. Better absorption in the intestines means that the body takes in all the nutrients it needs, and collagen strengthens the intestinal membrane, thus increasing the absorption of nutrients into the body. 

Other factors that affect digestion and intestinal health.

Sleep : When we sleep, the body is busy renewing the mind, brain, and body. When it comes to health, getting enough sleep is always recommended because lack of sleep is not good for the body.

Diet : It is important to nourish the body with a variety of foods, and the digestive system especially needs fiber. Most people do not realize that they do not get enough fiber through food on a daily basis. Some types of fiber also promote good bacteria in the stomach and intestinal flora. In order to increase the amount of fiber in the diet, it is a good idea to choose whole grains, whole wheat, and whole fruits and vegetables, where the fiber is mainly in the skin. Eating acidic foods such as sauerkraut, buttermilk, and kimchi is also good for gut health.

Exercise : Regular exercise improves and cheers up, but also improves digestion. Exercise reduces inflammation in the body and supports the production of good bacteria in the stomach and intestines.

Stress : Reducing daily stress is easier said than done, but stress can cause a number of ailments, including stomach problems. Taking care of your health also means taking care of your mental health as mental and physical health are undeniably linked.

Why Feel Iceland collagen?

The collagen from Feel Iceland is pure high-quality collagen that is produced from Icelandic fish. In order to speed up the body's absorption, the Feel Iceland collagen is hydrolyzed and thus broken down into small molecules, which allows the body to make better use of it to improve digestion. We recommend a regular collagen supplement, such as Feel Iceland Amino Marine Collagen powder, which can be added to both food and drink. 

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