Do you have a slow burn?

Do you have a slow burn?

Posted by Feel Iceland on

There is no doubt that collagen is the most popular dietary supplement today and also very talked about. Perhaps not without reason, because collagen is one of the body's most important structural proteins. The body produces collagen, and animal products such as meat and fish also contain collagen. With age, the production of collagen slows down and the way we break it down and use it from food varies from person to person. 

In order to understand what a supplement like collagen does in addition to a healthy diet, you need to look at its properties. 

Collagen is a protein that consists of a number of amino acids and is necessary for the growth and maintenance of all living cells and important for good metabolism.

Why is a good metabolism important?

A good metabolism is very important for burning the body. We convert the food we eat into energy. Some burn slowly while others burn faster, thus others maintain their ideal weight while some gain weight and achieve little weight management success. For those with a slow metabolism, collagen can help. 

How can collagen help the metabolism?

Collagen contains glycine, which is an important amino acid for building the body's muscles. Other amino acids that collagen contains are arginine and glutamic acid, which also help build the muscles. Thereby, the collagen helps to maintain the muscle mass, which then affects the metabolism.

The collagen from Feel Iceland, which is rich in the above-mentioned amino acids and is believed to help the metabolism along with other factors such as slowing down the aging of the body. 

We recommend taking 5-10 g of pure Feel Iceland Amino Marine Collagen daily. It can be mixed into hot and cold drinks, such as tea and coffee. It is also popular to mix it into a smoothie, chia seed porridge/oatmeal. It can also be mixed with water or a good juice, as the Feel Iceland collagen is without any additional flavors or fillers.

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