What is collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and is the component of skin, bones, muscles, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and connective tissues.
Collagen is like a glue, it holds the body together and forms a bond to provide strength, elasticity, and structure. In childhood our collagen levels are very high but, in both men and women our natural collagen levels start to decline from the age of 25 onwards.

The decline in collagen in our body can cause two things:A. an ageing outer appearance in the form of fine lines and wrinkles B. issues such as aches, pains and joint stiffness The best way to aid the decline of the body’s natural collagen production is to take a high quality and pure collagen supplement. 

why collagen


Discover Iceland's
secret to longevity.

Our products are made with pure,
sustainable marine collagen to improve
the look and feel of skin, hair and nails,
and to promote overall wellness.


A beautiful take
on sustainability.

We use nutrient-dense fish skin to
produce our collagen supplements,
making good use of a resource that is
typically dscarded by fishermen


Developed to
be taste-free.

We want to add wellness (not taste) to
your day, so our products are developed
to be taste-free. Add them to your daily
coffee, smoothie or even water.

Why Feel Iceland ?

Wether you prefer the convenience of capsule or like the
potency of our powder, Feel Iceland is designed to fir into your
day. What ritual vill you create?

Wether you prefer the convenience of capsule or like the
potency of our powder, Feel Iceland is designed to fir into your
day. What ritual vill you create?